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Sunday, June 17, 2018

Bones and Bourbon by Dorian Graves

Barnes and Noble Link

Siblings Retz and Jarrod have been separated for several years when Bones and Bourbon by Dorian Graves begins. Both have tragic pasts. Since Retz was an infant, he has shared his body with the consciousness of a necromancer with low morals. Jarrod is dealing with a curse that dictates he take any supernatural job offered or suffer the consequences of said curse. I saw them both as suffering from suttle mental abuse throughout their lives, which gained my sympathies and my desire for them to succeed. There was well-placed tension in Bones and Bourbon. I was drawn in by the foreboding I felt surrounding the characters on their journey. The small triumphs they did acquire were welcome. The humor within the story was just enough for things not to get too grim for me. There was also a good deal of mystery surrounding several of the characters, giving me the desire to seek out their stories in the future. 

There was complex and entertaining world building. I find most of my novels from the urban fantasy/ paranormal romance genres and vampires and werewolves are everywhere. I enjoy that the preternatural focus in this book is outside of what is most frequent. Learning about new types of supernaturals is something I enjoy and always prompts my desire to do outside research. Integrating the various kinds of creatures was interesting, however, it did cross my mind the book suffered slightly from overkill. Huldras, furaribi, lamia, fae, necromancers, and even Bloody Mary.  And that is not all. Everything integrates well, but I couldn't help but wonder if it was a conscious thought to put in as many types as possible.

Overall, Retz and Jarrod's story was quite enjoyable.  I was engaged in their relationships and perseverance. The brothers did their best in a world that was determined to beat them down. I am eager to see them prevail in their overall quest.  All opinions are my own, and I encourage all readers to come to their own conclusions.  I received an ARC copy of Bones and Bourbon by Dorian Graves for my honest opinion.


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