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Friday, November 2, 2018

Dragonfire by Donna Grant

Dragon Kings V and Roman are on a quest to find V's stolen sword. Due to V's amnesia of the incident, they travel to V's territory hoping to find clues when they arrive. The duo meets Camlo and Sabina while on their search. V and Roman discover that the brother and sister, who are descendants of the clan V protected, have information relating to V's curse and his lost weapon. V and Camlo work together to uncover V's memories, while Roman and Sabina, the couple of the story, descend inside a mountain for V's sword.

The path to retrieve the Dragon King sword was tense, and fast paced. At the climax of the story, I was bouncing in my seat. Roman's clever Dragon power lends to his artistic tendencies. Sabina's creativity, although different in expression than Roman's, gives the couple a common interest. Roman's dominance induces fantastic desire during their intimacies. The spark between the pair is potent, which is a common thing with Donna Grant novels.

I make it no secret that I am a huge fan of the Dark World series. The subplots continue to grab my attention. At this point, the recurring characters are as much of a focus for me as the main couples are. Dragonfire is the first novel since Ulrik's redemption. He played a minor, but crucial, part here. I believe his presence will be game-changing, especially for Con. I see Con reaching his breaking point, and that could be a very good, or a very bad thing.

Every Dark King book is a comfort, and a curse, all rolled into one. There is an overwhelming sense that resolution is just around the corner, and I am eager for the good versus evil showdown. But at the same time, I do not want them to end. Dragonfire by Donna Grant was given to me by Saint Martin's Press, through NetGalley, for my honest opinion.

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