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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Deathtrap by Dannika Dark

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Deathtrap is Book 3 of the Crossbreed series. This book is fine as a stand-alone, background information enriches the story but is not necessary. I highly recommend the entire series for anyone who loves urban fantasy and paranormal romance.

Raven belongs to Keystone, a group of investigators for the breed world. The members happen upon a murdered female. During the search for clues, they realize her newborn has gone missing. The higher authority keeps them on the case since it is likely the child will end up on the black market. The crime uncovers and connects to one of the character's pasts. The full connection is deep, emotional and I did not see it coming. I felt the betrayal. I even had a verbal reaction to it. If I had a physical copy, I would have thrown my book. I appreciate when a story grips me so much I forget what is around me.

The bonds between the members continue to grow and their trust in each other builds. I enjoy getting to know everyone better as partners and individuals. I feel their loyalty to each other and do not doubt they would do anything necessary to keep each other safe. Shepard has a heartbreaking backstory. I hope he gets full closure to the wrongs he has suffered. I hope he finds the courage to confide in someone and not carry his burden alone.

The author takes time for romance to blossom for her couples. Their sexual tension is more fierce that way. The chemistry between Christian and Raven is intense. They complement each other perfectly and are realizing they cannot deny the attraction they feel. Christian and Raven have an intimate talk about his bodyguard job. I think this is important for him to come to terms with things in the present. It was also important for me to hear. I never felt right about how that situation ended for Christian. Christian and Raven realize they have an unexpected connection in their pasts. I am so rooting for them to make their relationship work. They both deserve some happiness.

Raven and her father Crush spend a few emotional moments together. Christian gains knowledge of him that could be good for Raven. Raven's relationship with her father is important to her. I don't know if she will be able to walk away and never see him again. I worry how Viktor is going to react to the things going on with Raven. Between the potential romance with Christian and now her father's knowledge he is going to need to be understanding. I sense Viktor is a good man it just makes me nervous.

Raven meets an interesting character she dubs Chaos. The two of them have some great interactions. I suspect Chaos gave Christian and Raven unseen help during the pursuit of the bad guys. It is obvious he will play a part in future books, possibly as an antagonist. I hope he does not lose his charm and I am eager to find out his breed.

Other conflicts for Keystone develop to set up future installments. The world Dannika Dark has created is rich, the characters are unique, and the relationships are meaningful. I have not read a book of hers yet that I did not love.

All my opinions are my own and may not match that of others. I encourage all readers to come to their own conclusions.

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